Life in the JVC


July 18, 2003
Liam came home last night and I played a one-on-one game of Scrabble with him and beat him by 50 points! I don't think he was thinking very clearly though, as he challenged me twice in a row unsuccessfully, once for the word "ow". But it was great playing with him. We used to compete over everything when we were in high school, and it always made me try to the edge of my ability to beat him.

Mom had her final for the first part of her Spanish class today, and I think her stress got to me, because last night I dreamt that I was back in school, trying to write a psychology paper that I couldn't understand a bit, and I was crying so hard I had a headache when I woke up. I've been feeling nostalgic for Kenyon lately, but this dream reminded me of all those papers and Latin exams that I am so happy are in my past. And right now I never want to go back to school ever again, and even if I do, I'm still not going to enjoy writing those papers. If I haven't learned by now, I never will.

12:24 a.m.
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