Life in the JVC

Miner's Bar

October 05, 2004
I just can't get over how great it is to only have six kids in a class. Our third grade, for some reason, only has three boys and three girls. All of our other grades have between 12 and 15 students. When I have the third grade, I take half the kids, which leaves three with the teacher during that half-hour.

I have survived the Miner's Bar. Rob, our fireman friend, took us out Saturday night to it. When we got there, we found out that a wedding was in progress in the back room, but the bar was still open. The back room had the reception, and we vaguely knew them (relatives of our friend Tim) so they invited us in and told us to enjoy the food. So that was fun crashing a reception.

We four were surrounded by men the minute we got in. Rob said he felt like one of the bull elk trying to keep everyone off us. And of course Barb saw about 5 parents of her students there. Barb and I were dancing together for most of the night, but then we found out that girls don't dance together around here. So I think we might be rumored to be lesbians now.

Then the next day we drove into Zortman in the daylight for the re dedication of the church. A big deal-the bishop was going to be there. We were late (we are always late), and the church was on top of a big hill. A pretty view, but were were so out of breath by the time we got there. The church was very pretty, and they had folk singers singing all the hymns. Then we went to a retired banker's house for the potluck. His house was three stories high, which was strange after being used to everyone having a ranch house.

Tomorrow we make the trek to Spokane. All of our retreats are going to be there, because its the most centralized location for Northwest, but its still an 11-hour drive for us. I feel like we don't need this "community living" retreat, as all of our issues will be settled in the car.

9:32 p.m.
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