Life in the JVC

The JVC finally got back to me

June 06, 2003
Woo-hoo! I finally got a placement from the Jesuit Volunteers. It's working at an AIDS house in Baltimore. I need to interview with them and then I'm golden. Mom was disappointed that it wasn't a teaching job, and she kept harping on the making no money thing. I know that this isn't the smartest thing financially (although in this economy, who knows if I'd get a job anyway), but it's something I need to do for my spiritual growth.

And I admit that as a writer, it will give me lots of interesting ideas for stories and this diary. I was friends with a lot of poets and writers in college, and it was disconcerting to be telling them something and wondering if it would end up in their writing later on. But I'm sure they feel the same way about me. I had a conversation once with Veganinja about how knowing someone had an online diary made us act up around them in the hopes that our wittiness (or stupidity) would be immortalized. Kind of like society reporters in Old New York.

11:45 p.m.
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