Life in the JVC

Philothea, English major

April 02, 2003
Woo-hoo, I passed my English comps! I forgot they were out today until I saw people running around on Middle Path with their manila envelopes. I figured I would pass, but as I walked, I still had my heart in my throat. But now, I am an English major!

I had my blood tested today too, for my thyroid and for anemia. I�ll find out the results sometime next week.

Last night a Navy chaplain came to Kenyon to talk about just war. I think he explained his position very well, and it was the first time I thought someone did for the commandment "thou shalt not kill". I know that some people think it should say "murder" instead of "kill", but that never satisfied me. But Commander Kessler showed that in the Bible, God ordered his people to go to war on several occasions. That still means we have to decide whether a war is a just war, but I think now that there can be just wars.

I was disappointed in the turnout. There weren't many people there at all. I expected all the people sending allstus to "educate" me would have wanted to be there to learn themselves, or at least to yell at the chaplain. He was in Desert Storm and was right there in the thick of things.

I don't think most of the people at Kenyon even have any experience of friends, relatives, or neighbors in the service. I think it's a matter of class. The majority of students at Kenyon don't receive any need-based financial aid, and most went to private or wealthy public schools, where everybody goes to college and they don't need ROTC to get there. It worries me that there's such a division. It's on our side too, an increasing shrillness and mutual incomprehensibility.

3:32 p.m.
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