Life in the JVC


June 18, 2004
I had my first pint of Guinness at the James Joyce Pub on Bloomsday. They were having a Joyce and Molly Bloom lookalike contest, and if you were a contestant, you got a pint at 1904 prices (one cent). I went with Amy and Emily. I guess that's the first time that I was at a bar without a man in my group, and we were getting hit on constantly. Amy is going to be a Lutheran Volunteer in Baltimore next year. I told her it didn't seem fair that my best friend and boyfriend are going to be here next year when I'm all the way off in Montana. "Its so we can talk about you," she said. It was fun having Amy visit, and since she's living there next year, I didn't have to worry about giving her a representative tour.

We stopped by St. Frances to say hello to Matthew. He was pretty loopy from only getting a few hours of sleep during the week of Catholic Heart Work Camp. He's been planning this camp since last year. I'm amazed at all the work it took him to pull this off. I'm very proud of him.

I'm home right now, although the way things are going now I'm only here twice a year. I had a two-hour conversation with Emerald about why my plane was late. I told her there was a lightning storm so we had to wait. She said that she had an umbrella for those occasions, and suggested the plane get an umbrella too.

5:55 p.m.
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