Life in the JVC

Walker Percy, my new obsession

March 10, 2003
How can we be the best dearest most generous people on earth, and at the same time so unhappy? How harsh everyone is here! How restless! How impatient! How worried! How sarcastic! How unhappy! How hateful! How pleasure-loving! How lascivious! Above all, how selfish! Why is it that we have more than any other people, are more generous with what we have, and yet are so selfish and unhappy? Why do we think of nothing but our own pleasure? I cannot believe my eyes at what I see on television. It makes me blush with shame. Did you know that pleasure-seeking leads to cruelty? That is why more and more people beat their children. Children interfere with pleasure. Do you hate children? Why can't we be grateful for our great blessings and thank God?...Why is it that Americans who are the best dearest most generous people on earth are so unhappy?
-Walker Percy, The Second Coming

I think I've found a new "author", and this one Tom hasn't read yet. What a great Louisiana name, Wlaker Percy. Amy recommended The Thanatos Syndrome but it wasn't in the Kenyon library. Speaking of which, Kenyon was mentioned in The New York Times today. They've had midyear requests for financial aid double this year because of layoffs and other mishaps. So they raise tuition so next year it will cost $35,000 to go there. A lowering tide makes all boats run aground.

10:42 p.m.
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