Life in the JVC


August 15, 2004
Something rather obvious, but still a surprise to me-on a reservation, everyone you meet is Native American. Except for at the mission. Hays is having its annual pow-wow this weekend. I went Friday and Saturday, but today I begged out. Once you get there its hard to leave, because there are so many people and things happening. On Friday I watched the grand entry and all the dancing. The girls have fancy shawl, jingle dress, and traditional, and the boys have traditional, fancy, and grass.

Then on Saturday we were invited to a Giveaway to honor Theresa Walker, the oldest living member of the Gros Vente tribe. She's 97. I like the Indian idea of a party-give gifts to all the people who come and lots of food.

Friday there was also a parade that came right to the mission. Fr. Bob was asked to be in it, dressed as a cowboy. I almost didn't recognize him. He looked very handsome. There were a lot of horses in the parade, one with a travois, and these adorable pinto colts with their mothers. There are lots of horses all over here. The pintos are so beautiful. All the kids around here know how to ride bareback, and there is gorgeous landscape to ride them in, too. I'm so glad I'm not living in the flat part of Montana. My heart needs mountains or hills.

4:43 a.m.
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