Life in the JVC

Happy One-year-and-six-day anniversary

September 08, 2003
I was talking to Michelle last night and she was detailing when she was traveling to Illinois and when her fiance was coming here for the rest of the year. "And he's coming at the end of July even though our year is almost over because it's our anniversary," she said.

"Oh my God, I completely forgot about my anniversary to James!" I said. It's so strange, because I have remembered on the second of every month except this one, and this was the one year mark. At least James forgot as well. So happy One year and six day anniversary to me and James. I sent an e-mail to him last night, and he wrote back that "It's been wonderful to know you as a friend for four years, and as a girlfriend for the past year and six days." And some more praise of me, but that's private. But he has been a great friend to me too, and an even better boyfriend. If only he wasn't in stupid Korea right now.

I'm getting off of three overnights in a row, but now I don't have anymore until at least the 27th. I am enjoying my job, even with the crazy hours, but I couldn't tell you why. I know because Bernie (one of the residents) asked me if I liked the job yesterday, and I said "Yeah...yeah". I've also discovered that I like living in a city, and I think I could live here for the rest of my life and be happy. But I can't even imagine what it was like for my Mom with five small kids when we lived in Brooklyn.

My community is getting along better now, though I'm not sure why. We had our weekly business meeting last night to expand on what the chore wheel means (this week I'm in charge of taking out the garbage and recyclables), and what toiletries we should buy with the community money. I'm doing the weekly grocery shopping today, and I don't have a car, so I'll be shlepping six blocks home carrying all the stuff. I was going to make peanut butter cookies, but we have a mouse in the kitchen. Actually, we saw two mice there last night, but now one of them is caught in the glue trap. Chris said he would take care of it since he's opposed to killing traps, but he doesn't get home until 5:30, so the "wee, sleeket, cowran, tim'rous beastie" is just struggling there under the sink. I wanted them out of the house so badly, but now that I see how little he is, I feel sorry for him.

3:17 p.m.
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