Life in the JVC

New Old Friend

I first noticed James M. during freshman orientation and talked to him because he had red hair (yes, I often try to strike up friendships with someone because I like his or her hair). We became friends, and he lived on my floor freshman and sophomore year. It was hard being his friend sometimes, because it was hard to know if he liked me. In the dining hall, he would go and sit by himself at another table, but when I got up to sit with him, he�d be very happy. When I talked to him, there were often awkward lulls. I don�t know if I could have stood it except I had a brother who also acted that way, so I figured it probably wasn�t me, but just the way he was. And when he did talk, it was always witty and intelligent. He went to Japan last year, and I exchanged a few e-mails with him, but that was all.

Yesterday, I saw him in the computer lounge, and then later at the opening picnic. I went to sit with him, and I was so amazed at the changes I saw in him. We talked for two hours. He was so articulate, and we interrupted each other in a good way. Going abroad was really great for him. I�m so glad he�s fulfilled his potential like I always knew he could, and I feel a little proud that I recognized it in him early on, before anyone else.

6:28 p.m.
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