Life in the JVC

My Saturday

September 21, 2003
This Saturday I:

Dressed up like an old lady while Emily dressed as an old man and we went antiquing

Saw bellydancers

Went to a 25th anniversary renewal of vows at St. Ignatius

Got tons of Latin self-teaching materials at the free bookstore

Walked home from downtown at night through some very sketchy areas, but nobody mugged me.

I meant to walk to the indie theater from church and see Lost in Translation with Beth and Chris, but by the time I got there it was starting, and there was a line of 20 people at the ticket booth, so I thought I'd just walk home. Emily and I had walked to church downtown an hour earlier, after all. But now it was dark. I don't think I'll try that again. I hate catcalls, especially that hissing kind. And this didn't happen last night, but twice when I was walking back from work, a car has pulled up to me and a guy asked me if I needed a ride someplace. Now I know lots of Baltimoreans pick up a few bucks with illegal taxis, but I am NOT getting into a strange man's car, okay? Now I walk on the sidewalk against traffic so there can be no doubt I'm not looking for a ride.

I finally got home with a frozen pizza, but I forgot my key and nobody was home. So I walked a block to Matt's apartment. Matt was a JV at our house last year, and he's still working in Baltimore. I felt so down and hungry when I got there. It was 8 and all I had eaten the whole day was half an apple, and if I waited the two plus hours it would be before my housmates arrived, my pizza would be ruined. And I was near hysterics from my walk. Luckily, Matt was there, and he just lifted my spirits right away, talking in that calm voice of his and asking me how things were going. I cooked my pizza in his oven and told him about how my community was going. He can relate because he's really introverted too, and it sounds like the Baltimore community last year had a lot more problems than we do. We have a Sunday business meeting after dinner that works really well for things people are annoyed about. They just have to put it up on the agenda on the white board, and then I don't feel like I have to rant when everyone's relaxing. Then we played chess. I lost, of course, but I played well for me. I meant to go home at 9:30 and see if anyone was there, but I got involved talking to Matt and I forgot.

Then at 10:30 Matt got a call from Chris saying they couldn't find me. He said I was there with him, and Chris said I'd better get my ass home. He was so angry at me he wouldn't talk to me last night. Beth said they didn't know where I was and they had been looking for me for an hour. It never occurred to me that I could have called home and left a message on the phone where I was, mainly because nobody was there. So then I worried myself walking home, and worried all my housemates. But Matt has my eternal gratitude for being home.

5:45 p.m.
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