Life in the JVC


April 10, 2004
I told my parents about Matthew last night. "I really like him," I said to Mom.

"You know what I really like? Not having classes for Good Friday," she said. Boy, ever since she's gone to college she's just zoned out everything.

Then I told Dad "I have a new boyfriend!"

"Now, you've only gone out three times, so is he a boyfriend, or your boyfriend? Are you exclusive?" he said.

"I don't know, I thought that was implied. He shaved his beard off for me."

"He shaved his beard off for you? Well then I guess he is your boyfriend." I didn't want to say anything about his goatee because a man deserves to have a beard in quiet and peace, I believe. But he said he didn't really care about having it, it was just a pain shaving all the time. And now he has a reason. But then Dad went on to say that we were obviously doomed because I'm leaving in four months. Maybe not. Jon and his girlfriend stayed together when he was in the Northwest last year.

I had my interview on Thursday, and Tom the interviewer was all ready to start talking about my placement. But I asked for the weekend to think it over. I know I want to do it, I'm just getting last minute jitters. Last night I had a dream that I was on the phone with Tom discussing my placement when Matthew came in the door, and at the same time James was leaving a message on my phone (how he could call when I was on the phone I don't know). I thought the phone was fritzing out on the other end, so I said "Hello? Hello?" Tom finally said "I think you're too distracted right now to talk about this."

No need to figure out the hidden meaning in that dream.

I realize that not everyone reading this knows who Matthew is. He's from Nashville, and graduated from the University of Tennessee. He's got all these crazy Southern phrases too, like "the wind is kickin' up something fierce". He converted to Catholicism in college. I have such great admiration for people who convert. He spent five years as a behavioral therapist before deciding to join the JVC. So he had Beth's job last year at the Community Center and now he's working with Beth and Jon at St. Frances Academy as a math and computer teacher. His nickname is "Books", which shows how perfect he is for me.

He's just one of the best men I've ever known. Passionate, intelligent, kind, generous, and a good listener. He has the most gorgeous hazel eyes. I'm falling for him really hard. Sigh. It's only been a week in real time. I'm constantly thinking about him. I've never felt like this before. It's scary, but also really wonderful.

4:05 p.m.
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