Life in the JVC

Last mass at Kenyon

May 10, 2003
I had my last final today and wrote my last paper, but I don't feel too choked up about that. If it weren't for James and Robbie I wouldn't have even finished, though. Those guys are quality men.

I almost started to cry in church. I was lectoring the first reading, and I remembered freshmen year when I started doing it, and I would be so nervous. I thought it was weird that the pews faced each other and this old guy in plaid made funny faces at me the first time I went (it was Dr. Shutt). I'm going to miss the Newman community too. I really got to know a lot of the people these last two years, and it's sad that I won't be coming back.

But now I don't have to schedule lectors and Eucharistic ministers. Yeah!

6:37 p.m.
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