Life in the JVC


July 07, 2003
I had a date with James today. We went to the second-run theater and saw X-Men 2 again. Then after the movie ended James told me that he had something to tell me. He's been offered a job. The bad news is that it's in South Korea. He's going to look into it a bit more. It's only teaching English, not what he's exactly interested in, but there's not many jobs out there. It seems that every time I turn on the news there's a story about how sucky the economy is, especially for recent college grads. And am I ever glad I didn't apply for Americorps. Even my Dad is worried about losing his civilian job, and I thought he was safe from getting laid off now that he was a civil servant.

I don't know what's going to happen to "us" if James goes to South Korea. I told him earlier in the year when he applied for a job in Japan that if he went so far away I would break up with him. I'm sure he remembers that too, because he seemed kind of afraid to tell me about this job. I don't know, though. I really do love him, but I'm afraid he won't be eloquent enough to keep up a long-distance relationship. It was okay when we were just friends and he was studying abroad in Japan. I would e-mail him long rants about whatever I was upset about and didn't really expect him to answer except maybe with a little joke. Now, we only ever talk on the phone for maybe five minutes, and his e-mail messages are always very short. He'd have to become much more verbose if we were to continue dating while he was thousands of miles away.

11:44 p.m.
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