Life in the JVC

Job woes

January 16, 2004
When I was talking to my boss yesterday on our monthly supervision, I said I was so happy here and I knew that it was the best thing to do this year.

Today, I'm not so sure that I'm not absolutely miserable. My boss told me I need to take more initiative at work. I can't seem to get away from that, no matter what I do. I don't like just sitting and watching dumb cable shows at work, but sometimes I just don't know what to do.

I've only been back a week and already the residents who are depressed and not really putting any effort into living anymore are getting to me. I mean, it's their choice if they really want to fight this disease or just give up, and they usually come to the D0n Miller house because they have given up and it's basically our job to try to give them hope. And we do succeed a lot. As Vince says, we are in the business of providing miracles. But people that sad and down bring me down too. I don't know what I can do except listen, if they even want to get out of bed and talk.

I'm reading a book about finding a job after college, and it keeps saying that you have to find something that you're passionate about and willing to go the extra mile for. I don't know what that is for me. James knows he wants to work on our national security. So far he's getting nowhere, but he keeps networking and applying because he wants it so bad. I guess I'm just lazy. There's nothing I want to do. Actually, I have been mulling over being a librarian. I don't want to go to grad school unless I really, really know that that's what I want to do with my life.

9:30 p.m.
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