Life in the JVC

The Holy Spirit

April 06, 2004
I had half my JVC:Northwest interview today. Something was wrong with the phones in Portland, so we kept getting cut off. Finally he said we'd reschedule for Thursday. But he also said to speed up the process he'd discuss placements with the other staff and talk about that on Thursday too. So that implies that they're accepting me, no?

Talking about my spirituality in the interview got me to thinking about my spirituality. I had a dream two years ago that I was in Paris with my brother. We were in a plaza with a large fountain in the middle. To the side were long steps leading up to a convent, which my brother told me was the holiest place in the world. Some people were sitting on the steps. One of the birds by the fountain flew up and a man on the steps got up and followed it.

"That's his Holy Spirit," my brother said.

Just then a huge shadow covered the plaza. I knew it was my Holy Spirit and I covered my head because I was so scared.

But just this month it occurred to me that if I had looked up at the bird it might not have been so scary. Maybe it was just the shadow. It's just like how if I avoid doing God's will the tasks seem too big. But if I face them square-on it doesn't seem as hard. I guess I'll never have that dream again though to find out.

9:15 p.m.
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