Life in the JVC

Going to Iraq

March 01, 2005
On Friday, my Dad called me and said he was being moved from secondary to primary.

"So what does that mean?" I said, because I'm not all up on the military lingo.

"It means I'm going to Iraq," he said. I started to cry, and Dad said "You're not going to cry, are you?"

"Of course not," I said, and for the rest of the conversation I kept my voice light while tears rand down my face.

He's been mobilized since December, but he still has to go for the full year. He's leaving at the end of March, but he's not sure when he'd have a chance to go home in that time, so I'm probably not going to try to make it home before he leaves. He's also going to be in charge of training Iraqi police. Dad is in the Corps of Engineers. Maybe he's training them on how to inspect bridges to see if they're up to code.

And by the time he comes home, it will be just a few months before Trevor graduates and can take his place.

4:20 p.m.
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