Life in the JVC


April 29, 2005
None of my housemates want to see The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy with me. That's okay, I'll just go with my towel. Its all a person needs in this galaxy, anyway. It's getting mixed reviews, but I just have to see it. When the first Star Trek movie came out, my Dad was the first in line. "And it was awful," he said. "And I saw it two more times, because I was so glad to see the Star Trek crew together again." That's how I feel about HG2G.

I put all my winter clothes away last weekend, thinking that the last week of April is time to start with the spring fashions. So all this week it has been 30 degrees and snowing.

The more I think about it, the more I hate the idea of going to Spokane early. I thought we would get to drive around Montana a bit, see the sights. But instead we have to drive at breakneck speeds to see a concert that Maureen just has to go to. I'm going to propose that I follow along later. I could go to Glacier or Missoula or something on the way there.

After waiting forever for Catholic University to get back to me, they finally did, offering me admission to their library school and a half-tuition scholarship! So I'm going to be in Washington D.C. next year. Yay!

12:59 p.m.
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