Life in the JVC

They are talking about sex, right?

March 30, 2004
From my new 1882 catechismTHE SIXTH COMMANDMENT OF GOD

"Though shalt not commit adultery"

1.What does God forbid by this Sixth Commandment?

By this Sixth Commandment God forbids adultery and all sins of impurity, such as unchaste looks, words, jests, and whatever else violates modesty or leads to impurity.

"All uncleanness, let it not be so much as named among you, as becometh Saints." Eph. v. 3

2.Why must we most carefully guard against impurity?

Because no sin is more shameful, and no other is followed by such dreadful consequences.

3.What are the consequences of impurity?

1, Destroys the soul;
2, Leads to many other sins and vices;
3, Plunges man into misery, dishonor, and shame, and at last into eternal damnation.

"They shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone." Apoc. xxi. 8
Examples The Deluge, Sodom and Gomorrah

4.What ought we to do when we doubt whether anything is a sin against purity?

We ought to consult our Confessor, and, in the meantime, carefully avoid what we doubt about.

5.What should we especially avoid as dangerous to holy purity?

1. Curiosity of the eyes;
2. Vanity and immodesty in dress;
3. Evil companions, bad books and pictures;
4. Indecent plays and dances;
5. Too great familiarity with the other sex;
6. Intemperance and idleness

6. What does God command by the Sixth Commandment?

By the Sixth Commandment God commands us to preserve our purity and to be decent and modest at all times in all places.

7. What should we do to preserve our purity?

We should-

1, Often receive the Holy Sacraments, and often pray;
2, Resist temptation at the outset, and recommend ourselves to God and the Blessed Virgin;
3, Remember that God sees everything, and that we may die at any moment.

Application Esteem and love the innocence of your soul as your greatest treasure; watch and pray that you may preserve it; shun bad companions and the occasions of sin, and whether you are alone or with others never say or do anything that may not be said or done before your parents or your pastors.

What, never? Old time language aside, I actually agree some of this stuff, but I will defend forever "familiarity with the other sex", from this and Cosmo-type things that say men and women just can't be friends. Sure, I've had a crush on basically all my male friends at one point or another, and some of them with me, but I don't see why that should be an obstacle to friendship. Same-sex friendships have their own weirdness, like envying the other's looks or worrying about the other poaching my men.

9:04 p.m.
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