Life in the JVC


I love Ulysses. Ulysses is my Dad's 2002 grey Honda Civic that he's letting me drive when he's in Afghanistan. I went to the movies with James on Friday and left my lights on the whole time, but he still started and I've had no problems with him since then.

There was one girl throwing up in my bathroom on Friday, but everyone seemed okay on Saturday. I found out about six of my girls are rugby players, which explains some of it. At Kenyon, they're a drinking team with a rugby problem.

Ann came this weekend! It was so good to see her again. She's going into a convent of contemplative Dominicans in Connecticut in November. There's been one woman for the last two years graduated who's decided to become a nun. It has to be a coincidence. Kenyon's just a liberal arts college with a tenuous link to the Episcopalians. It was a little strange to think this was the last time Ann would ever see Kenyon, since she's going to be cloistered. Everyone had lots of questions about how the monastery worked. She only gets to see two movies a year, on Thanksgiving and Easter, and during Advent and Lent we can't have any contact with her. I wasn't sad at all when she was here. I did all that mushy stuff when she graduated in May. It was great to see all the little things I had forgotten about her, like the way she laughs and gestures with her hands.

Well, I have a hundred lines of Livy to translate for tomorrow, so I best get started.

7:09 p.m.
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