Life in the JVC

Academic woes

April 10, 2003
Gah! If I hadn't had all my professors this semester at least once before, they would all think I was the worst, laziest student ever. As it is I had to ask Professor Bennett for yet another extension on my comps paper. I've only been to two classes in the last two days.

But I actually started my paper! I had a horrible case of writers block and I felt so awful I was screaming and curled up on the floor. I sent the only one who really cares about me at Kenyon away because I didn't want James to see me like that. Well, Robbie cares too, just not on Wednesdays because he has to edit the paper that night.

I tried calling home but kept getting the answering machine, so I called Daniel. I haven't talked to him since break, so he has no idea whats been going on in my life. But he was so annoying, offering to stay on the phone all night with me or type the paper himself, that I just had to start typing. He ordered pizza for me too as a surprise. Since he's vegan, he got me one with no cheese and pineapple and onion on top, but its the thought that counts. I put it in the lounge and people actually ate it.

I have to go babysit now, and then write this paper!

6:18 p.m.
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