Life in the JVC

My little brother is a man (aww...)

March 29, 2004
Matthew asked me out! I feel like bouncing around. I can't stop grinning idiotically at my own reflection in the mirror. See, he is madly in love with me. Or, he likes me and would like to get to know me better. Which is what I should be doing too, as I do not believe in soulmates or the like. I don't!

I was working until 11 last night, and at 10:50 I went to the office to log out. I checked my e-mail and there was this 800 word missive from Matthew. I found an 1882 Catholic catechism at the free bookstore, so I e-mailed him the list of things to avoid to keep holy purity. My favorite part is when the question asks what to think of if we need help, it said we should "remember that God sees everything, and we may die at any moment." I'll post more from it tomorrow, if I'm not in hell yet. So he was kidding around that he fit all the categories and I should avoid him as a pit of sin. Then he had a big paragraph about the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which I scrolled past since I had to leave in two minutes. Then I saw something about dinner, so I thought "What? What!" and read back to make sure I wasn't imagining things.

So, whee! I'm glad I didn't have to ask him out. I have no subtlety. I was planning on calling him up on Wednesday and saying in one breath "Listen. I was wondering if you'd like to go out on a date with me this Saturday." Very bald, but I felt it brought out the main points.

  1. A date.

  2. With me.

  3. This weekend.

But Matthew's way was much sweeter, and also incredibly nerdy, talking about a universe where I would say yes. But that only gets extra points with me. So this is very happy news. In other happy news, my wooden-headed brother Liam is 21 today. His girlfriend turns 21 tomorrow. Now that they've been going out for over a year, I like her. Although the having the same name as me part does make me a little uncomfortable, as it feels vaguely incestuous. I knew her as Liam's friend first, and I knew that she went through many boyfriends her freshmen year, all the while ignoring Liam. So when they started to date, I thought she was going to use him and drop him like the others, and leave him heartbroken. But obviously she realized what a quality guy he is.

He is, too. It's nice to have a brother join me in adulthood. I miss the talks we used to have in the hallway and at the dinner table back home. But the spray deodorant war was definitely a bad idea. Ugh, the deodorant got in my mouth and coated my tongue. And looking back, it probably wasn't the best idea to play with fire in the forest behind our yard. But no harm done.

4:59 p.m.
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