Life in the JVC

Baby boom

Flag Day
My speeding ticket came to a grand total of $160.

On Wednesday, Emerald fell down the stairs. We don't have gates up because she knows how to climb down the stairs by herself, and she also knows how to unlock the gates. Mom and I were both in her room, and Emerald was crawling around like she usually does. Mom was by the stairs and I was lying on the bed, when I hear her say "Baby, be careful," and then the thumping sounds.

I jumped out of bed. Mom was crying and running down the stairs, but she couldn't stop her. The baby just rolled. When she got to the bottom, Mom picked her up and stripped her so we could see the damage. She had a bump on her head, but nothing big. We watched her crawl around, and she didn't seem to have any broken bones, so Mom thought she'd wait until tomorrow to go to the doctor's, since Em had a checkup then anyway.

Yesterday, they went to the doctor. He didn't believe she fell down the stairs. The bump had faded and there wasn't a mark on her.

Thank God.

I guess most people hurt themselves falling down the stairs because they try to save themselves and get hurt worse trying to stop falling. Emerald just rolled with it. She's quite a lucky little girl.

3:18 p.m.
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